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Friday, January 15, 2010

Surgery Is Done

Avery is out of surgery! The shunt is in and she is recovering nicely. She's drowsy, but doing great. Jenn and I were joking this morning that hopefully this will be her last surgery until she's 80 and needs a new hip!
Thank you so much to everyone who has ordered their Team Avery merchandise and/or donated to the Avery Christiansen fund. This generosity is taking a tremendous weight off of Jeremy and Jenn's shoulders. I'm working on adding a few items that have been requested to Miss Avery's Store. I'll update when I get those in, definitely before the end of the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy,jennifer and Avery

    Heard about Avery from Michelle and got her blog from Brian.
    Our thoughts and paryers are with you. Been checking each day on the status. Hope things keep going as well as this last week.

    God Bless

    Keith and Diane
