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Monday, July 30, 2012

Window World

Just in time...

Jeremy and I recently called upon Window World here in Kansas City to help us replace our 1977 windows and hopefully save us a little money in energy costs.  They are coming this weekend to replace them and let me tell you -- after the $502 electric bill we just got -- it's just in the knick of time.

Window World is a huge supporter of St Jude and the reason we solicited them for replacing our windows.  In the last few years they have contributed over 2 million dollars to the children of St Jude and we are very honored to have them work on our house.  When they discovered that Avery was a patient at St Jude they decided they wanted to make the day of work and extra special one.  They have asked for volunteers from the company to work on Saturday to replace our windows and are bringing with a tent and all the fixings for a little BBQ.

So if you have some time on Saturday and are curious, stop by for a few minutes and have a hotdog, say hi to Avery and ask a question or 2 about windows...great opportunity to see how things are done in case you are contemplating new windows at all.  It's of course supposed to be 98 degrees outside on Saturday, so dress appropriately as we'll be outside!  The crew will be here in the morning, attempting to wrap up around 1pm so swing by for a few minutes in between 11:00 and 1:00!

And just in case Jeremy and I were hesitant on dumping our old windows...the electricity went out last night at 2 am -- gotta love that heat!


1 comment:

  1. Yea for window world! What an awesome thing to do for an awesome family! AND I love the happy little girl in the picture! Avery, you rock!
